My BFF selalu ckp aku ni byk ckp so no hal nak wat presentation ker or wut so 1 bender yg derang x tau aku ni ader "stage fear"!!!! before nk present or perform giler confident tp bile dah dekat depan semua org rase..nk pengsan pun ader huhuuu....kaki terase berat...feluhhh pun sume nak kuar..adehhhh @_@
So siang tadi adalah 1st performance aku wif my team... our job is to find a Journal berkaitan dgn personal developement then buat performance based on that Journal...the best part our Journal is very interesting.
Are We Having Fun Yet?? (best kan??^_~)
A consideration of workplace fun & engagement by
Sharon C. Bolton
Strathclyde University Business School,Glasgow U.K
Maeve Houlihan
University College Dublin, Dublin Ireland
Actually pg tadi baru kiteorang fikikan idea ..aku cari lagu..then just go for it without a single script. terasa riak di situe heheh..nasib kiterorg team no 8 so x der la ramai sgt yang setia menanti..tambah-tambah budak2 lelaki sume dah balik...Yahooooo.....x der la sogan denn...
Betul la kate org semua tu mind set if we told our self that it is okey..then semua jadi key jer... walaupun x der script tp semua org berjaya menjaya kan watak masing-masing...
aku: Customer Service (CSR)
yang stresss jwb call kene marah dgn customer & leader
Shela:Team Leader
leader yang baikk.. kununnye before present nak ckp elok2 dgn aku turn up marah aku balik sbb die pun kene marah jgk sbb tak kasi counselling dekat aku..then
Shimir: Manager
manager yang tegas & hanya fikirkan pasal service level & bile ader yang x kene mengamuk siap campak2 kertas..
Giler x sangke aku blh pulak buat scene menageh jwb call..even da crowd siap ketawa terbahak-bahak tgk kiterang + siap join karaoke sekali....cayalahhhhh the best crowd ever... ^_~
Sorry la xder video kalu x blh share dekat cni..x sempat nak pk dah time tu..cuak ler katekan huhuuuu...
So overalll walaupun preparation kiterang a few hour before the presentation but hasilnyer sgt memuaskan..alhamdulilah...
So kat cni aku nak share dengan koragn karaoke lagu Stay the Same...
Don't you ever wish you were someone else,
You were meant to be the way you are exactly.
Don't you ever say you don't like the way you are.When you learn to love yourself, you¹re better off by far.
And I hope you always stay the same,cuz there¹s nothin' 'bout you I would change.
I think that you could be whatever you wanted to be
If you could realize, all the dreams you have inside.
Don't be afraid if you've got something to say,
Just open up your heart and let it show you the way.
Believe in yourself.
Reach down inside.
The love you find will set you free.
Believe in yourself, you will come alive.
Have faith in what you do.
You'll make it through.
Life is a never ending Journey....Sooooo V.A.L.U.E your L.I.F.E and People around You!!~~Asliza Abidin
Chowwwwww ^_~
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